Produced by William Thaine and released by the independent label Sevenfields, Acoustic for Elephants is a compilation of songs written and performed by notable Canadian artists in support of the annual World Elephant Day campaign, held every year on August 12 to bring the world together to help elephants. Acoustic for Elephants includes songs by Chris Caddell, and The Schopenhauer Incident (featuring Geoff Callaghan), which are featured in the When Elephants Were Young soundtrack.
One hundred percent of the gross record label proceeds from Acoustic for Elephants will be donated to World Elephant Day, the not-for-profit organization that co-founded, leads and manages the annual World Elephant Day campaign. Since its launch on August 12, 2012, World Elephant Day has reached millions of people globally about the plight of endangered elephants, and the solutions that can help ensure their survival.